I Run Silverado 2018 – presented by Ronmor
We invite families to join us at our 4th annual Fun Run in Silverado! We are pleased to have both a 1 km and a 5 km run – showcasing our beautiful pathway system!
Bring the kids, we have a live DJ/bounce house/FREE face painting, and much more!
Both races are welcome to runners and walkers, no matter what pace or skill level – all funds raised will go towards building a skating rink in Silverado!
Race Date
Saturday, August 25th, 2018
Race Start Times
1 km run for kids- 9:30 am
5 km – 10:00 am
Registration Fee
$30 early bird (register before August 12)
$35 regular registration
$40 registration day of event
$15 kids
**$5 discount for SCA members
All registrations will be taken via the Running Room event listings.
No Running Room account? No Problem! To Register as a guest leave the username and password blank and click continue!
Race Kit Pickup
Shawnessy Running Room
59 Shawville Blvd SE, Calgary, AB T2Y 3P3
August 23-24
Our Cause
The funds raised from this event will go towards our fundraising efforts to build a skating rink in Silverado!
Interested in volunteering? Send us an email to info@silveradoca.ca
Children’s Events
We have free face painting, live DJ, and a free bounce house from 9:00 – 11:00 am at the community gardens!
Swag Bags
The swag bags will contain lots of fun things from our sponsors as well as your event t-shirt.
The Children’s 1Km Route